Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Crazy From the Start

Wikipedia defines Mid-Life Crisis thusly:

"Midlife crisis is a term coined in 1965 by Elliott Jaques and used in Western societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" or middle age of life, as a result of sensing the passing of their own youth and the imminence of their old age. A midlife crisis is experienced by many people during the midlife transition when they realize that life may be more than halfway over."

At (very) nearly fifty-six and forty-nine years of age Murph and I are deeply into "middle age".  While my children will be quick to assure you that I will live for fucking EVER out of pure spite assure me I will live a good long life, any way you look at it I'm at least half way through my stay here.  As for Murph? Well let's just say "zip-a-dee-do-dah" and leave it at that.

Additionally, it has been medically determined that falling levels of testosterone (Murph) and estrogen (me) indicate our bodies are falling to shit not what they used to be.   These are the same hormones that in appropriate levels keep you for losing both your memory and your sanity. Falling levels?  Not so much. 
Nevertheless, our psyches were over-ruling our bodies and screaming "Before you fall completely apart do something extraordinary for the love of all that is holy"! This internal struggle between mind and body caused us to ponder the possibilities.  We considered our options:
A: Take up say knitting and/or shuffle board
B: Spend our retirement savings on a red Corvette/52' Speed Boat/Cruise around the world
C: Move to a new and different place
Ladies and gentlemen?  We opted for "C".
And so we find ourselves (temporarily) in a hotel in Reading, Berkshire, England just west of London.  We are working with letting agents and trying to figure our just where we should live for the next twelve months.
Won't you join us on our most excellent adventure?
Kindest regards,
Karen and Murph


  1. I am so freaking jealous, it's not even funny. :-)

  2. Ditto what Jen said! I am so following... if I could figure out how to do that on blogger!
