Friday, March 30, 2012

In The WIndow

I was sitting out on our wee (by "wee" I mean minuscule beyond compare but I digress...) patio when one of my neighbors walked by with a friend.  She introduced herself and her friend who was visiting from California.  She told me which flat she was in and I chatted briefly with her friend about the lovely weather she'd brought to England from Pasadena.  (We've had a week of sunny, dry weather with cool mornings and warm afternoons.  Very unusual for England in March!)

She asked how we were settling in, where we were from, what brought us here and so on. Then my neighbor said "I TOLD my husband there was a lady living here now, I could just tell!"

Evidently the bachelor living in the flat previously did not avail himself of a south-facing kitchen window!

1 comment:

  1. How great to meet a new friend--and your sink window looks very sweet with the little plants on the sill.
